Animation Reel Breakdown |
Game Cinematics & Promos

Worked and Collaborated in the following :

Animation | Layout | VSFX | Lighting | Shaders | Modeling | Rigging |Texturing | Rendering | Compositing

Also involved in the Creative Development Process, (Storyboarding | Concept & Art Dir)

Software : Autodesk Maya, Unity, Unreal, 3Ds Max (RayFire), Zbrush, Boujou, Mocha, Marvelous Designer, Substance (Learning*), MEL (Programming), Python(Learning*), After Effects, Premiere, Nuke.

1. Emma10 (Cinematic Promo – Dash Galactic)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing,
Modeling & Regretting [Lo-Hi Res Models], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling-Texturing) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | Tim Kaminski (Co-Art Dir)

2. Might & Mayhem Intro Seq (Game Cinematic)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing,
Modeling & Regretting [Lo-Hi Res Models], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling-Texturing) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | MichaelBills (Co -Art Dir)

3.0 to 3.3 Might & Mayhem ( Spotlights | Cinematic Promos)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing, Modeling & Regretting [Lo-Hi Res Models], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling-Texturing) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | MichaelBills (Co -Art Dir)

4. Pilot – Promo (Series – Devil) [ Chosen to be featured on The Travel Channel – Monster Quest (Jersey Devil) ]

Worked on:
Animation. [3D Motion Tracking and Keyframed Animation]
Also: Modeling (Zbrush), Lighting, Shaders, HDR Rendering, Compositing, Editing, Texturing, Rigging.

Other Credits: T.Reames Dir.

5. Xeno (Cinematic Promo – Dash Galactic)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing,
Modeling & Regretting [Lo-Hi Res Models], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling-Texturing) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | Tim Kaminski (Co -Art Dir)

5. Dash (Cinematic Game Intro – Dash Galactic)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing,
Modeling & Regretting [Lo-Hi Res Models], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling-Texturing) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | Tim Kaminski (Co – Art Dir)

7. TGT [Trans Galactic Tournament ]

( Game Character Spotlights/Promo)

Worked on:
Animation. [ Characters and Assets]
Also: Lighting, VSFX, Compositing, Editing,
Modeling [ Hi Res conversion of Characters and Environment], Texturing & Shaders, Rigging.

Other Credits: Tejean Ibrahima Jallow (Modeling) | Ming Zang – Annie Bunyapen (Texturing) | MBills (Co – Art Dir)